Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Knowledge v. Wisdom

1 Corinthians 1:20-21: Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

The other day I went with my daughter's god-Drae to pick her up from summer camp. Before we left the building the camp director stopped me and asked, "What can we do for your daughter to come here in the fall?" To be totally honest I was taken back because the school is one of the better montessori schools in the area. I was really excited at the potential advantages my daughter could receive by going to this school. Yes, she is two and Yes, she will be President one day. So we all know that getting our children into the best schools is imperative because knowledge is power.
As my wife and I discussed the pros and cons of sending our daughter to Montessori vs Christian schools God reminded us that the WISDOM through HIS WORD is far better than any knowledge that the world can provide. Now, I'm not saying that Christian schools are better than other schools what I am saying is the education of our children can be an all-consuming passion. We struggle to get them into the right schools, starting with preschool and continuing through graduate school. But we must keep in mind that a great education does not guarantee success in God's eyes. Many of today's schools, consider the message of the cross "foolish." To them it is a sign of weakness, disgrace, and low standing. As parents, we must counter that message with the truth that the world's knowledge does not save. The greatest secular education misses the point - only the cross can save.

Wisdom is available when we seek God. When we concentrate our efforts on teaching our children the value of an eternal perspective, we can worry a little less about the world's view of where wisdom can be found. Wisdom means so much more than just knowing a lot. It’s a principle that affects every aspect of our lives. The foundation of wisdom is to fear the Lord – to honor and respect God, to live in awe of his power, and to obey his Word. Faith in God should be the controlling principle for your understanding of the world, your attitudes, actions and your parenting.

Make asking for God’s wisdom in your parenting a regular part of your prayer life and watch what God will do!

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