Friday, October 28, 2011


In 2010, The Barna Group, a research company noted 6 major themes. In this release, the one that stood out to me as most concerning was this one.
Christians are becoming more ingrown and less outreach-oriented.
The opening sentence is the one that caught my attention the most.
Despite technological advances that make communications instant and far-reaching, Christians are becoming more spiritually isolated from non-Christians than was true a decade ago.
So, with Facebook, Twitter, websites, online worship, text messaging, email and other social media, we as Christians are not as connected to non-Christians as we were a decade ago. That should be alarming!

Wait a minute.

Churches and ministries have websites, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, online worship, email newsletters, online polls and YouTube channels. Surely, with all these tools in use, we should be more connected right?


Well, maybe not.

We are out of focus.

While the story from Barna didn’t provide any details, I have a few guesses.

Yes, churches may have these tools, but it’s the way these tools are being used that is the culprit.
Specifically, I have seen Twitter and Facebook used in a “club” fashion. Unless you’re “in the know” the information being posted won’t make much sense. Additionally, there are many instances where there is very little information for the first time visitor/encounter.
Web pages are treated the same way. There is some amount of knowledge the site visitor must have to understand the information presented.

But, there are some churches that implement these tools VERY well. One of my favorites is Lifechurch.

Main website pages, facebook pages, etc are designed with the first time visitor/non-member in mind. There are many options to get more information and get connected.
Most ministries focus inward instead of outward.
I say the focus is in the wrong direction.
SO, how does your church/ministry fare in this area?

1 comment:

  1. Check out the outreach we have at and our blog at
